Monday, February 23, 2009

Prettty Pretttty Colors :)

Color is one of the main and most important things that can make of break a website. Most clothing magazines have the best colors on their website, because they want to draw attention to them quick, so you will remember the website and come back. Also I think that websites that use a lot of reds and oranges are great too. Those colors cause you to wake up and cause aggression so that helps a lot when I come to the customer. Now if I go to a website and it is just a white screen with words I will never remember it and at first glance already think it’s just a cheap website that obviously has gone no where.
Split Complementary Scheme is my favorite to use. It creates a pleasant atmosphere. In reality, it is a variation, or expansion of the complementary scheme, where the spectrum of the complementary spreads to a broader area. It uses a color and the two colors to both sides of its complementary. This yields high contrast without the aggressive force of the complementary scheme.
I do not like using the Tetradic scheme, but it obviously used by many people.

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