Monday, February 23, 2009

Let's Find Some Important Things About Web Design

There are many things that make a good website. Everyone has many different opinions about this depending on who they are, what they like to do, or just their webpage history. I myself spend a lot of time online shopping, and of course on face-book. So for me the three main things are color, creative navigating from link to link, and creative backgrounds with elements to them.
When I go to a website I do not want to just look at a blank and plain screen. Color is one of the main and most important things that can make of break a website. Most clothing magazines have the best colors on their website, because they want to draw attention to them quick, so you will remember the website and come back. Also I think that websites that use a lot of reds and oranges are great too. Those colors cause you to wake up and cause aggression so that helps a lot when I come to the customer. Now if I go to a website and it is just a white screen with words I will never remember it and at first glance already think it’s just a cheap and probably a scam.
Personally I am the type of person that has a very short attention span but at the same time I very easily amused, so when I go to a website that has links that are in odd shapes or the translation between pages is creative I absolutely love it. I would spend sometimes hours on websites if they are attracting, so for me the links are everything. Sometimes on websites the links are hard to find or they are very touchy to the ones around them, and I hate that. This one also goes a long with the color statement, because I also think the links should be colorful too. As long as the links are sweet I am interested.
Color and links are very important to making the last one of three the best. Backgrounds play an important part in catching someone’s eyes and keeping it. When I look at backgrounds I like to see hot people or amazing clothes and that will keep me looking. For example, Abercrombie and Fitch, I don’t think I have ever gone to their website and not seen a gorgeous boy or girl on the background and obviously people are going to keep looking to see what other things on the website. Also stores like Ed Hardy having amazing colors and pictures on the background and it is always changing from link to link. That draws peoples eyes in and will always keep them coming back.

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